There’s absolutely nothing like the sight of thousands of REALTORS® wearing purple lapel pins roaming the halls of the Capitol and advocating on behalf of our legislative issues.

In 2011, I made my first trip with my local association, 哈林根2021十大正规彩票app经纪人委员会, 去奥斯汀进行我们当时称之为“山地探访”的活动. 那是我永远不会忘记的一天, as my eyes were opened to the true power that 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® holds with our state legislators. It was intimidating to walk up to the Capitol building with purpose, and a bit overwhelming to see our 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Team stand on the stage of the House of Representatives and be recognized. But being greeted by my own legislators as a friend, 仅仅因为我是德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人, 大开眼界. REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol is special, and it’s powerful. 这是你永远不会忘记的一天.

Last legislative session, our members and amazing staff pulled off 181 virtual legislative meetings. 今年, 然而, 我们100%可以进行现场访问, and there’s absolutely nothing like the sight of thousands of REALTORS® wearing purple lapel pins roaming the halls of the Capitol and advocating on behalf of our legislative issues. Your 领导 Team is so excited to go back to our beautiful Capitol building and let our legislators know how their work affects our business, 尤其是德州的财产所有权, 我们需要你的加入!

作为你们的主席, and in other volunteer roles at 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, I’ve had the privilege to meet numerous state legislators and leaders whose policy decisions shape the landscape of our day-to-day business as REALTORS®. I’ve been honored to voice our positions on property taxes, 细分改革, 还有其他问题, 但我只是一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人, and our message is loudest when amplified by thousands of voices. Thousands of us will indeed share our advocacy message with our legislators with the single and united voice of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® on Wednesday, 3月22日. 那一条信息, 代表150名议员向181名议员发表讲话,000多个德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 我们拥有的是真正的力量吗. 谁不想参与其中呢?

The lawmakers I’ve met are impressed by the unity of REALTORS® and our non-partisan dedication to private property rights. Our policy positions are not Red, and they are not Blue. We are the Purple Party and are working toward a #PurpleSolution.

今年, we’re super excited to be Riding with the Brand alongside NAR President Kenny Parcell during REALTOR® Day. 早上九点半.m., Kenny will inspire us at our rally on the South Lawn as we kick off our day of advocacy. He will make you proud to be a REALTOR® and understand the significance of Riding with the Brand at the Capitol and every day. This will be a huge event, and we can’t wait to see you there! We will wrap up the day with some great barbecue at 你的 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®建筑. The building will be open for tours and photos, and 你的 领导 Team will be there to welcome you!

I haven’t missed a REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol since 2011. I know that if you join us this year, you will join us for years to come, too. Contact 你的 local association office for details about any possible transportation, 住宿, 还有其他住宿条件. 我真的希望在那里见到你!